Professor Bartosz Karaszewski, a neurologist, founder of the Global Health Group within the Global Young Academy; PhD in 2007, habilitation (the higher scientific degree) in 2012, university and state professorship – in 2014 and 2019 respectively. He was awarded with multiple major distinctions for scientists and clincians in Poland, for example including the individual ones from the Prime Minister, from the Ministry of Health, or from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. He won the „Supertalent in Medicine” – a competition for young Polish medics, and a few years later, the „Golden scalpel” – for the experienced clinical leaders. He is heading the Department of Neurology at the Medical University of Gdansk and the University Clinical Center that has became one of the most prominent Polish sites for general neurology including stroke medicine, multiple sclerosis and rare brain disorders. As a Principal Investigator, he is currently holding one of the largest amount of grant funding for non-commercial scientific clinical projects in the field in Europe. He served as the lead expert in stroke medicine for the Polish Ministry of Health, was a member of the Communication Committee of the European Academy of Neurology, and recently was elected the President of the Cerebrovascular Section of the Polish Neurological Society.